Premio Stoccolma: (Sustainable) Fashion in Translation

Event organised by
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
for Entry
May 13, 2024 14:00
May 13, 2024 14:00
May 14, 2024 14:00
Gärdesgatan 14, 115 27 Stockholm

A Swedish-Italian Perspective
The two-day event aims to intertwine the broad and multifaceted sustainable fashion discourse between Sweden and Italy by promoting an exchange of fashion theories and practices in order to discuss fashion’s new materialities, narratives, consumer trends, and operative trajectories.

The Symposium (May 13) is open to the public and takes place at the Italian Cultural Institute of Stockholm and hosts two keynote panels, including representatives from the academic debate as well as from the industrial world, and will end with a screening of two documentaries on the textile industry bridging the Swedish and Italian cultural heritage.

The PhD workshop (May 14) is closed to the public and takes place at the Department of Media Studies and gathers PhD candidates in Fashion Studies from Stockholm University, Università Iuav di Venezia, Dottorato di Interesse Nazionale deMIT at Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli".

Cover image: Installation Maze by Elin Stampe, snapshot from the film Sumpskogen by Emelie Lenning, 2020


Location: Italian Cultural Institute of Stockholm, IICS, "C.M.Lerici", Gärdesg. 14

14:00 Arrival and registration

14:30 Welcome

by Francesco Di Lella, Director – IICS

14:40 Keynotes

moderated by Louise Wallenberg, Professor of Fashion Studies – Stockholm University

Jacob Östberg, Professor of Marketing – Stockholm Business School at Stockholm University: Don’t Blame Me, Blame Fashion!

Göran Sundberg, Senior Lecturer and Fashion Consultant – Beckmans College of Design: In Defense of Fashion Design: Loss of Craft and Beauty in Contemporary Fashion

15:30 Keynote panel: Materializing the Transition: Local, Biological, Regenerative

moderated by Alessandra Vaccari, Associate Professor of Fashion History and Theory – Università Iuav di Venezia

Linda Kåhed, Sustainability and Innovation Manager – Tiger of Sweden Malva Carlsson, Regeneration Coordinator – Houdini

Lucia Rosin, Designer and Fashion Consultant – Meidea

Simon Giuliani, Global Marketing Director – Candiani Denim

16:30 Swedish fika

17:00 Film Screening

Introduction by Louise Wallenberg, Professor of Fashion Studies – Stockholm University

Stracci (2022) [52’] by Tommaso Santi and Silvia Gambi

Made in Sweden – Textilindustrin som Försvann (2022) [56’] by Anneli Kustfält and Lina Puranen

19:10 Closing remarks

by Gabriele Monti, Associate Professor of Fashion Theory and Critic – Università Iuav di Venezia, and Alessandra Cirafici, Coordinator deMIT PhD Program – Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli"

19:20 Aperitif


Location: Stockholm University, Karlavägen 104, Sal 3 (4th floor at the Department of Media Studies)

9:00 Coffee

9:30 PhD Workshop: Mycelial Thinking in Fashion Studies

moderated by Clizia Moradei, winner Premio Stoccolma for Sustainable Fashion and PhD candidate in Fashion – Università Iuav di Venezia

13:30 Light lunch

14:30 Keynote: Experiential Entanglements: Body, Space, Time Elin Stampe, Textile Artist and Scenographer

15:15 Workshop continues

18:00 Aperitif


Clizia Moradei, winner Premio Stoccolma for Sustainable Fashion and PhD candidate in Fashion – Università Iuav di Venezia

Louise Wallenberg, Professor of Fashion Studies – Stockholm University

Please note that priority access is given to ASFB Member Brand affiliates and that your invitation status may change–
if so you will be notified, otherwise you are welcome to attend the breakfast.