With the support of Swedish fashion brands, The ASFB relies on it’s expert board and member representatives to support its members and the Swedish fashion scene on a range of topics, promoting the regrowth of Swedish future talents through Swedish Threads as well as being the custodians of Stockholm Fashion Week for the interest of Swedish fashion.

Representatives of Swedish Fashion

As the industry organisation for Swedish fashion, the ASFB actively participates in representing it’s members and therefor the industry and its interests in matters of public affairs in coordination with the Swedish Government and European institutions.

Collaboration with Educational Institutions

The ASFB maintains a close relationship with leading fashion education institutions, such as Beckmans College of Design and The Swedish School of Textiles, collaborating to ensure alignment with industry needs and promoting advanced training and education for future fashion professionals.

Policy and Advocacy

Through its dedicated network, the ASFB formulates policy recommendations and engages in legislative discussions at both national and European levels. It advocates for its members’ interests, particularly in sustainability laws and circular economy policies, ensuring members' needs are addressed and their voices heard.

Member Brands Network

Through regular meet ups, the ASFB fosters a network of brand representatives to ensure flexible alignment with and between member brands. This establishes an ever growing and shifting set of knowledge and expertise that the ASFB relies on to do its work.

Shaping the Future of Swedish Fashion

The ASFB Triangle is a foundational framework that defines and guides the strategic vision of the Association of Swedish Fashion Brands. It encompasses three core pillars:

Identity and Design

A brand's ability to create innovative and memorable designs and their ability to communicate and convey a distinct identity. Members who excel in this category have a clear and consistent aesthetic vision that differentiates them from other brands and creates strong bonds with their customers.

Sustainability and Ethics

In this category, a brand's commitment and progress towards sustainability and environmental responsibility throughout the production chain are assessed. Members who excel in this area demonstrate a commitment to reducing their environmental impact through the use of sustainable materials, energy-efficient processes, and responsible work principles, contributing to a more sustainable and fair fashion industry.

Commercial Success and Collaboration

This category evaluates the brand's financial health and business success. Members who are positively assessed in this category demonstrate a stable and sound business model, which includes profitability, growth, and good management of financial resources. This creates a platform for long-term sustainability and growth for both the brand and the association as a whole.

Importance to the Future of Swedish Fashion

The ASFB Triangle is not just a strategic model; it is a visionary blueprint for the future of Swedish fashion. Here's how it propels the industry forward:

Guiding the Path Forward

The ASFB Triangle serves as a compass, directing the efforts of the Association and its members towards a sustainable, innovative, and commercially successful future. By balancing creativity with responsibility and fostering collaboration, the ASFB not only promotes the economic interests of its members but also sets a benchmark for the global fashion industry.

This integrated approach ensures that Swedish fashion is well-positioned to adapt to future challenges, meet consumer expectations, and continue its tradition of excellence and innovation. The ASFB Triangle is more than a framework; it is a commitment to a future where Swedish fashion leads with integrity, creativity, and sustainability.

The fashion industry at large is facing sustainability challenges both environmental and social. As a country, Sweden has long since held a torch to these subjects in the face of shifting global sentiments and pushbacks.

From development to production and presentation of fashion pieces, there are always challenges and demands both internal and external that push any one individual to perform to the best of their ability. The Swedish Fashion Ethical Guidelines is an effort to inspire the wider industry to continually iron out the kinks that expose those within our industry to hazardous work environments.

Guiding the future of Swedish Fashion

Shared Values

  1. Swedish fashion values the rehabilitation of those adversely affected by their passion. Given todays ever changing media landscape we, the ASFB and its members, understand that working in and around fashion has the potential of putting individuals in an exposed position in terms of both mental and physical health.
    Because of this we encourage a healthy dialogue between cooperating parties concerning the challenges that models, celebrities, social media profiles and others that experience this exposure might be facing. As well as encouraging support for their betterment.
  2. We value diversity in areas such as ethnicity, body type, age, and coding. We are aware of and take responsibility for the impact that the fashion industry has on body and beauty ideals for all ages and identities.
  3. We advocate a healthy lifestyle and healthy body image that reflects a wholesome relationship to food, body, and exercise.
  4. We respect and protect our colleagues and employees, as well as the models we hire.
  5. We strive to always ensure the models, social media profiles, and crew's health and safety when working together.

Industry Wide Guidelines

  1. We hire models and social media profiles that are over the age of 18 (unless presenting children or youth clothing).
  2. We strive towards a diversified representation of appearances, ethnicity, age, and body types.
  3. We hire healthy models, social media profiles, and crew. "Healthy" meaning there are no overt signs of physiological, dietary, or mental stress as a result of their profession.
  4. We provide all models with nutritious and healthy food at work exceeding 4 hours, and a larger meal at work exceeds 6 hours.
  5. We do not provide alcohol to models, social media profiles, and crew during work hours.
  6. We offer intermissions in accordance with Swedish labor laws.
  7. We offer models and social media profiles a separate dressing room.
  8. Agreements concerning specific wages and demands are established between model agency or model, social media profiles, and the customer as well as between the model, social media profile and their respective agencies. Greater transparency and declaration of individual rights for the model and/or social media profile is requested for this relationship.
  9. We pause the contracts of models and social media profiles who do not meet the standards as outlined above (although with reimbursement for work already completed).
  10. In a commercial production setting we do not speak with or to the models in matters regarding their personal appearance, weight, or health status.
  11. We do not provide alcohol to models, social media profiles, anIn cases of concern or visible signs of the diminishing health of models, social media profile, or crew we report to the point of contact and follow up on individuals that show signs of health issues within in a reasonable amount of time after the production is wrapped.d crew during work hours.

Additional Guidelines for Model Agencies

  1. The model agencies acknowledge an age limit of 18 years in order to work in the industry full time. A bar for the agencies hiring standards must be that the model finishes school before engaging in a full time professional career.
  2. Models must receive a fair wage for their work.
Deviations this requirement  are only possible in consultation with the model in matters of educational institutions, student projects, charitable and/or non-profit publications (publications without advertising revenue or other income through sales).
  3. Model agencies should offer schooling in nutrition, diet and mental health to all new models starting their career. The intention is to strengthen and support the young models for them to better cope with the pressure of unrealistic body ideals, which is a great part of, and will effect them wile pursing, their modelling career.

Additional Guidelines for Production Houses, Photographers, Stylists, Agents, and Publications

  1. We strive to promote a safe working environment on and off set free from harassment of anyone involved and hold ourselves and colleagues accountable.

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